• Learn from the Pros

Play To Win: Think Like The Pros

It is often said that 90% of golf is played in the mind. You can pump iron. You can do elaborate stretches. You can spend hours out on a Blue Sky golf course endlessly practicing your backswing. Yet, if you cannot tune out the distractions and get into the zone, as they say, when those tricky shots present themselves, you are never going to become a truly outstanding golfer.

You cannot jump on any Blue Sky golf course with the worries of the day still fresh in your mind and make a great game. So, to help you get to grips with your inner Zen golfer, here are a few of the best mental tips and tricks which are still used by the pros today to help you play better golf in Jacksonville, FL.

Take Your Time

The next time that you are out on the green for golf in Jacksonville, FL, stop thinking about how good your dinner is going to taste and how stressful your day at the office was. The trick to being able to make crucial shots is knowing how to respond to that mental pressure; if you give in to it, you will always fail. So, the next time that you are on a Blue Sky golf course and there is a group behind you waiting to use the hole, zone them out and take as much time as needed to make the perfect shot – whether it is crucial or not.

Rethink Your Clubs

The most skilled players in the world are great at adapting to anything and everything, because they practice and prepare for all eventualities. If you are out on the green and it starts raining, do not let it phase you – your fellow players are facing the exact same thing. To encourage flexible and creative play, take a single club and move around the practice green at (formerly known as Mill Cove Golf Club) Blue Sky golf course hitting all kinds of different shots – low, high, hard, soft.

Train Your Thinking

This is a really simple tip which you can use the next time that you head out for golf in Jacksonville, FL. Whilst playing, count the number of times that you catch yourself thinking about things that have already happened or things that are going to happen. So, for example, count the amount of times you find yourself dreading an upcoming shot or pondering what went wrong with a flunked backswing on the third hole. Your objective is to get this number right down to zero; you should only be focusing on the present.

Stay in the Game

There is a moment, usually around the halfway point of a game, when most players make a decision about how they are going to play the rest of the holes on a Blue Sky golf course. So, if they are doing badly, they instantly start trying to play catch up. If they are on top, they usually put themselves off their mental game by worrying about how they can manage to stay there. The trick to pushing through and upping your game – whether you are doing great or poorly – is to simply resist any temptation to mix things up. It will do more harm than good, so stick with your game plan.
