The Complete Golf Putting Guide for New Players
Have you ever watched Happy Gilmore? The titular character in this Adam Sandler film has insane driving power in golf. However, he has no control over his swing, especially when he putts.
Many golf beginners may think that putting is easier to do than driving. However, lining up the perfect putt is an art in itself. Several things go into making sure your putt goes where it needs to.
Fortunately, there are several ways to master this swing on Jacksonville golf courses! We'll discuss some ways to improve your putt in this guide. Soon, you'll look like a pro when golfing with friends!
Start with Your Putting Speed
The reason Happy Gilmore couldn't control his swings is that he had no control over his swing speed. So, learn this lesson from Adam Sander and master your speed!
Speed control is the key to making putts on a consistent basis. You'll miss the hole more often than not with improper speed, even if everything else is in your favor.
There are a few things you can do to get your speed under control. First, give yourself a proper warmup before your round begins. Try to hit a few practice putts before you go to the first tee.
Next, read the speed of each putt you have to hit. Consider the slope of the ground around the hole and whether it's uphill or downhill.
Don't worry if you can't control your speed with every putt. Even pro golfers slip up from time to time. You can find several golf lessons in Jacksonville that will train you to control your speed more often than not, though.
Use a Light Golf Putting Grip
The next step in improving your game is controlling your golf putting grip. Your grip is a fundamental part of your swing.
It's best to use a light grip when you're putting. There's no need for a tight grip since you're hitting the ball a short distance.
Start by relaxing your fingers. Make sure the putter hangs naturally, not too loose or too firm.
From there, focus on the tension in your arms and shoulders. The perfect putting swing generates its force from these muscles. This swing differs from driver swings, which derive power from your legs, hips, and back.
You may struggle with using a light grip at first. If so, try practicing strokes with only one hand.
Do a few putt rolls with your left hand, then switch to your right. When you do this, you'll feel the power of your swing coming from your shoulders. Once you get used to this feeling, you can look for it in your regular putting swing.
Best Position for Putting on Jacksonville Golf Courses
Once you can control your speed and grip, it's time to focus on your position. In particular, golfers spend a lot of time figuring out where to position their eyes.
For much of a golf game, you'll hit the ball across significant distances. In these cases, your eyes can't process as many factors. However, this changes when you putt.
Since you're hitting the ball a short distance, your eyes can process significantly more information. Sometimes, this can be a tremendous advantage. However, not knowing where to focus can damage your golf game.
So, what information should you focus on during the putt? First, position your eyes directly over the ball. When you do, you'll have a clear vision of the path you should follow to send the ball into the hole.
Next, focus on positioning your body correctly. First, use your hips to tilt your upper body over the ball.
Then, ensure you keep your knees loose and flexible. The position may feel unnatural, but with practice, it will become more comfortable. It'll also tremendously improve your putting.
Pick an Entry Point for Putting
Learning the best position for putting can go a long way towards improving your scorecard. However, it won't do much good without finding a solid entry point.
Golfers rarely face straight putts. Most of the time, they come in angles and curves.
So, how can you handle a shot that has a directional break? First, adjust the hole's center in your mind. Doing this can help you pick out the best entry point to get your ball into the hole.
Practically speaking, this means you'll aim for the part of the hole that will become the front when your ball breaks. Let's discuss this with an example.
Imagine you're putting across a distance of twelve feet. Your putt must break from left to right to make the shot.
The perfect putt should cause the ball to fall in from the left. This fall happens because the ball will turn to the right as its speed decreases.
Golfers refer to this section as the "high side." So, figure out where the high side will be on your next putt. Then, look for an entry point that will knock the ball into that space.
Find a Putter That Fits
Finally, find a putter that suits your build. Finding a well-fitting putter is a crucial step to improving your stroke consistency.
Your putter length can also affect your putting stroke length. This factor can help you determine how far your swing should extend when making a putt.
Find the Best Golf Lessons in Jacksonville
These steps can make your next trip to Jacksonville golf courses more enjoyable. You can trim down your scorecard and have more success when playing with friends.
However, making these improvements can be challenging. Fortunately, there's plenty of help available!
All you have to do is find the best golf lessons in Jacksonville. Skilled teachers can help you perfect your game and become a better golfer.
To that end, check out our lessons. We offer top-grade tips to improve your golf performance on some of the best courses around. Sign up for lessons today!