• Learn from the Pros

The Top 5 Ways To Hit A Long Fairway Drive

Do you struggle with hitting the long ball? One of the hardest parts of good golf in Jacksonville FL is the ability to strike the ball off the tee and down the fairway to the green. In this short guide, you will be informed of the top five ways to hit a long fairway drive.

1. Be Confident

An unknown approach to hitting a good drive down the fairway is confidence. You need to be confident in your stance, confident in your swing, and confident in your follow through. You need to repeat to yourself that you “can do this.” Half of the battle with good golf in Jacksonville FL is in the inner and mental game you play as well as the physical game. You need to be prepared and confident in your delivery.

2. Take a Stance

An excellent position makes all the difference in driving your ball down the fairway. Golf in Jacksonville FL is a tough game to learn the ins-and-outs of. Just when you think you have one factor corrected another one pops up. This applies to your stance when you go to take a swing at the ball in the tee box. When you are first learning to play golf in Jacksonville FL, you focus on your stance. The more and more you play, you tend to concentrate on your swing and follow through. It is important to take a high stand and ready yourself for the swing you are about to take.

3. Square your Shoulders

Squaring your shoulders is a must to guarantee your golf ball will go flying through the air and land in the middle of a long par five. If you are hitting a fairway wood, it is vital that you square your shoulders to maximize the strike on your ball. If you do not square the upper body, your alignment is off, and your shoulders tend to be open causing a steep downswing on the ball. This causes a lack of solid contact with the golf ball when you golf in Jacksonville FL. When you square your shoulders, you are actually striking the ball a little flatter which ironically tends to be a very well hit shot.

4. Swing with Grace

Anyone who has ever been good at the game of golf says to practice and perfect your golf swing. This is a real statement and will help you with your fairway drives. The one mistake golfers make is in speed. They think they have to swing hard and fast to get the ball up in the air when hitting a fairway wood. This is correct but added power will do nothing for your shot and actually cause you to experience a mis-hit. The best advice is to swing smoothly and with grace to control the golf club.

5. Always Follow Through

When you are playing golf in Jacksonville FL or any other golf course, you need to be aware of your follow through. It is crucial to have a good swing, but your follow through is what will drive your ball down the fairway. It is how you will end up with a straight and long shot.

As you can see, struggling to hit the long ball can be frustrating and is one of the hardest parts of a good golf game. If you follow our advice on the top five ways to hit a long fairway drive, you will be well on your way to improving your long game and reaping the benefits of a great fairway drive!

5 Tips To Become A Healthier Golfer

There is a reason why golf has become associated with a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, you only have to think about all of the high speed motorized karts and trolleys on offer to see it. These days, more and more golfers are choosing to forgo a stroll across the greens, in favor of a faster mode of transport. Yet, if you play golf in Jacksonville FL and you want to get healthy, the solution is a simple one.

For a start, you need to give up the kart and do things the old fashioned way. Yes, it can be a long walk between holes, but it will get your heart pumping fast and help you shed those stubborn pounds. If you want to get fit and create a healthier body, whilst playing golf in Jacksonville FL, you need to take a look at the following tips and tricks.

1. Let Your Feet Do the Talking

As already mentioned, if you want to burn off those calories, you need to say no to the golf karts. With a kart and a 3-4 hour round of golf, you might burn off around 700 calories. If you walk the same course, however, you are more likely to burn of closer to 1600 calories. This is the equivalent of a big strawberry milkshake and a double hamburger.

2. Play Regularly For a Longer Life

If you tend to play golf in Jacksonville FL on a regular basis, give yourself a pat on the back. According to scientists, regular golfing sessions can actively lower the risk of cancer, coronary disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol. In other words, it could help you to live longer. Is there any better excuse to pick up your clubs and head out to the green?

3. Keep Stress Levels Low

The benefits do not stop there either, because it is also believed that golf alleviates stress and anxiety. This, in turn, lowers the risk of developing things like depression, anxiety based disorders, and premature aging. To keep stress at bay, make golf a part of your life.

4. Always Remember to Warm Up

If you are planning to golf in Jacksonville FL, you need to take the time to warm up properly first. This is very important and should be done before you head out onto the green. It can take the form of anything that you like really, as long as you feel comfortable with it – so, jumping jacks, lunges, stretches, etc. These warm ups will protect you from physical harm.

5. Carry Fresh Water with You

It is just as essential to keep and carry a supply of drinking water with you, whilst out on the course. There are times when games can last upwards of four or five hours, so you really do need to stay hydrated – after all, you are never going to beat your mates if you do not head out with a clear and refreshed mind. This is one of the easiest ways to stay fit and healthy.

Play To Win: Think Like The Pros

It is often said that 90% of golf is played in the mind. You can pump iron. You can do elaborate stretches. You can spend hours out on a Blue Sky golf course endlessly practicing your backswing. Yet, if you cannot tune out the distractions and get into the zone, as they say, when those tricky shots present themselves, you are never going to become a truly outstanding golfer.

You cannot jump on any Blue Sky golf course with the worries of the day still fresh in your mind and make a great game. So, to help you get to grips with your inner Zen golfer, here are a few of the best mental tips and tricks which are still used by the pros today to help you play better golf in Jacksonville, FL.

Take Your Time

The next time that you are out on the green for golf in Jacksonville, FL, stop thinking about how good your dinner is going to taste and how stressful your day at the office was. The trick to being able to make crucial shots is knowing how to respond to that mental pressure; if you give in to it, you will always fail. So, the next time that you are on a Blue Sky golf course and there is a group behind you waiting to use the hole, zone them out and take as much time as needed to make the perfect shot – whether it is crucial or not.

Rethink Your Clubs

The most skilled players in the world are great at adapting to anything and everything, because they practice and prepare for all eventualities. If you are out on the green and it starts raining, do not let it phase you – your fellow players are facing the exact same thing. To encourage flexible and creative play, take a single club and move around the practice green at (formerly known as Mill Cove Golf Club) Blue Sky golf course hitting all kinds of different shots – low, high, hard, soft.

Train Your Thinking

This is a really simple tip which you can use the next time that you head out for golf in Jacksonville, FL. Whilst playing, count the number of times that you catch yourself thinking about things that have already happened or things that are going to happen. So, for example, count the amount of times you find yourself dreading an upcoming shot or pondering what went wrong with a flunked backswing on the third hole. Your objective is to get this number right down to zero; you should only be focusing on the present.

Stay in the Game

There is a moment, usually around the halfway point of a game, when most players make a decision about how they are going to play the rest of the holes on a Blue Sky golf course. So, if they are doing badly, they instantly start trying to play catch up. If they are on top, they usually put themselves off their mental game by worrying about how they can manage to stay there. The trick to pushing through and upping your game – whether you are doing great or poorly – is to simply resist any temptation to mix things up. It will do more harm than good, so stick with your game plan.

6 Ways To Stay Cool On A Hot Golf Course

Golf in Jacksonville, FL is a fun game to play. It is a three season game that can be played in the spring, summer, and fall. Most individuals go golfing in the summer on a hot day. Golfing in the heat can be dangerous as you can get sunburned as well as have heat exhaustion. This short article will inform you of the top seven ways to stay cool on a hot golf course.

1. Carry an ice water bottle and drink it often

When you are out in the hot sun, you are constantly sweating, and your body’s fluid needs to be replaced. On sweltering days, make sure to drink ice water as it will keep your body cool. More importantly, make sure you are drinking the water often. Do not wait until you are thirsty as that is a sign of dehydration. Make sure you drink after every time you swing your club when you golf in Jacksonville, FL.

2. Bring a personal body fan

On a hot summer day, it is imperative you stay cool. Make sure to bring a personal body fan that will fan you with cool air. Some models even have built-in misters to keep you cool. They are small and practical and would be a great addition to your day.

3. Dress appropriately

What you wear can make all the difference if you end up suffering from heat exhaustion. It is of the utmost importance to wear light colored clothes as they are more likely to reflect sunlight from you. Dark clothes, on the other hand, are notorious for soaking up all the heat and increasing your body temperature. Wear active wear clothing which breathes and wicks away sweat from your body keeping you cool. Also, make sure to wear a hat to keep the sun off your face while you golf in Jacksonville, FL.

4. Use sunscreen

It is critical you use sunscreen when out on the course when you golf in Jacksonville, FL. The sunscreen will not keep you cool on the course, but it will keep you from having a raging sunburn when you get home. Sunburns retain and radiate heat so protect yourself from the sun by using a sports sunscreen.

5. Play an early tee time

A simple way to avoid the heat from the sun is to get out early and golf before the sun is high in the sky. If you can play in the morning, you will enjoy the morning temperatures and be much more comfortable than in the afternoon with the scorching temperatures.

6. Re Energize with electrolytes

An easy way to keep cool and avoid heat exhaustion while playing golf in Jacksonville, FL, is to rehydrate with electrolytes that are found in sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade. When you are active in the hot sun, you tend to sweat, a lot. It is vital to keep yourself replenished with the salts, sugars, potassium, and other electrolytes your body needs. Make sure to bring an electrolyte sports drink with you when golfing on a hot day. You can also bring electrolyte gel packs that will do the same thing as the liquid but are much easier and lighter to carry, especially if you are walking the course. You can find these gel packs in any outdoor type store.

As you can see, golfing is a fun and relaxing sport, but you need to stay cool on a hot day. By following our advice on the top seven ways to stay cool on the hot course, while playing golf in Jacksonville, FL, you will be a pro because you will have taken all the necessary precautions to stay cool in the hot summer sun!
